aurora: ERROR: Received bad return code (-1 0)

Discusioni relative agli inverter Power-One / ABB (aurora protocol
Messaggi: 1
Iscritto il: 13/11/2021, 18:14

aurora: ERROR: Received bad return code (-1 0)

Messaggioda oscar » 13/11/2021, 18:24

Salve a tutti all'improvviso da circa una settimana , non riesco piu a monitorare la produzione dei pannelli solari , l'errore che ricevo quando vado a provare da riga di comando è

aurora: ERROR: Received bad return code (-1 0)

premesso che avevo fatto l'update del mio raspberry circa ad agosto mettendo le ultime release di 123solar , metern , aurora , etc.. per mesi ha funzionato ma all'improvviso nulla . Ho provato a cambiare anche l'adattore RS385 ma nulla di fatto .
Qui di seguito un po di info nel caso possano tornare utili , sinceramente ormai non so piu dove sbattere la testa

root@energypower:/opt# aurora -s -A -a 1 -T -Y5 -l5 -M10 -D -e /dev/ttyUSB1
20211113-17:35:45: aurora: No response after 5 attempts
20211113-17:35:45: aurora: ERROR: Received bad return code (-1 0)
root@energypower:/opt# aurora -V

Aurora module versions:
Main module : 1.9.4
Comm module : 1.9.4
main.h : 1.9.1
comm.h : 1.8.7
names.h : 1.8.7
states.h : 1.8.6

root@energypower:/opt/auroramon-1.07# uname -a
Linux energypower 5.10.63-v7+ #1459 SMP Wed Oct 6 16:41:10 BST 2021 armv7l GNU/Linux

root@energypower:/opt/auroramon-1.07# aurora -a 1 -c -T -Y4 -d0 -e /dev/ttyUSB1
20211113-18:21:50: aurora: No response after 4 attempts
20211113-18:21:50: aurora: ERROR: Received bad return code (-1 0)

aurora -a 1 -b -e /dev/ttyUSB1

aurora -a 1 -b -e /dev/ttyUSB1

szttyDevice: /dev/ttyUSB1
yDelay: 1
yTimeout 0 mS
yMaxRunTime ~
devLCKfile: </var/lock/LCK..ttyUSB1>
devLCKfileNew: </var/lock/LCK..ttyUSB1.9700>
Got Params

RunTime 20211113-18:23:33 v1.9.4
Endian : Little
tm_gmtoff : yes
PID : 9700

Attempting to get lock on Serial Port /dev/ttyUSB1...
Checking for lock
PID: 9700 COMMAND: "aurora" LckPID: 9700 LckCOMMAND: "aurora" LckPIDcommand "aurora" = me
Appears we got the lock.

Opening Serial Port /dev/ttyUSB1... Serial Port /dev/ttyUSB1 successfully opened.
Configuring serial device... Flushing unread data first... Success!
Flushing serial device buffer... Success!

Comm Check: Let's see if the Aurora is listening...
Elapsed time since last comm 0 us
Attempt 1
Clearing read buffer Success!
szSerBufferSave OK! 01 3a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
command: 01 3a 00 00 00 00 00 00 d1 3d
Flushing serial device buffer... Success!
Sending command... sent 10 characters
Draining serial device buffer... Success!
Cleared data buffer: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read char #1 RC=0 (00) waited/max 111057/1000000 uS
answer: Got -1 characters
Comm Check: Failure, aborting...

Restoring Serial Port settings /dev/ttyUSB1... Success!
Flushing serial device buffer... Success!
Closing Serial Port /dev/ttyUSB1... Success!

devLCKfile: </var/lock/LCK..ttyUSB1>
devLCKfileNew: </var/lock/LCK..ttyUSB1.9700>
Clearing Serial Port Lock (9700)... done.

20211113-18:23:33: aurora: ERROR: Received bad return code (-1 0)

Complete 20211113-18:23:33


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