backup letture 123solar-metern

Discussioni relative al software di monitoraggio energetico METERN
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Messaggi: 2470
Iscritto il: 16/01/2016, 15:02

Re: backup letture 123solar-metern

Messaggioda Flane » 23/10/2019, 16:27

Ma perchè ti dà 73kWh di consumi ????

Scusa mi dici i files che hai nella cartella /dev/shm con relativi proprietari e permessi ?

Messaggi: 58
Iscritto il: 22/03/2017, 9:07

Re: backup letture 123solar-metern

Messaggioda capoccio1 » 23/10/2019, 19:24


questo è il contenuto di metern.err:

PHP Warning: shmop_open(): unable to attach or create shared memory segment in /var/www/metern/scripts/metern.php on line 327
PHP Warning: shmop_size(): no shared memory segment with an id of [0] in /var/www/metern/scripts/metern.php on line 328
PHP Warning: shmop_close(): no shared memory segment with an id of [0] in /var/www/metern/scripts/metern.php on line 329
PHP Warning: shmop_open(): Shared memory segment size must be greater than zero in /var/www/metern/scripts/metern.php on line 331
PHP Warning: shmop_read(): no shared memory segment with an id of [0] in /var/www/metern/scripts/metern.php on line 332
PHP Warning: shmop_close(): no shared memory segment with an id of [0] in /var/www/metern/scripts/metern.php on line 333

ecco le righe di errore in metern.php:


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